REST API with Spring guide

Simple guide to help you on your web-dev journey

View the Project on GitHub KeaCluster/bookstoreAPI-spring-guide

Part 3 Setting up

This section is fairly straightforward. We’ll take a look at some recommendations and basic configurations.

Java Environment

For simplicity’s sake we’ll work under Java 17. As of the time of this writing, the latest JDK is version JDK 21. Since what we need is straightforwardness, we’ll stick to Java 17. Make sure to have that JDK installed alongside your favorite java IDE(Eclipse).


We’ll make use of the spring.initializr as it allows for a quick setup for our entire project. This means automatic dependency injection, project, language, and also Spring Boot version selection


We’ll work under Gradle since it’s very dev-friendly when building our project.

Feel free to adjust your project’s metadata as you see fit.


We’ll need three main dependencies:

  1. Spring Data JPA: To have annotations and methods for persistence (SQL syntax).
  2. MySQL Driver: To connect to our database.
  3. Spring Web: This provides most of the REST API annotations and tools we’ll use.

How to

  1. Click on Generate at the bottom. It will download a .zip file.
  2. Extract it into your java workspace and import it as a Gradle project.
    • Please check your directory is the root directory and not a nested one.
  3. It should start the configuration and build right away depending on your IDE.
  4. If any errors occur, double check directory structure and retry from step 2.


Take some time to familiarize yourself with the project and its structure before moving on to the next section. Explore the files, do some research, and really get to know why everything is there.