React Starter Guide

Simple guide to help you start your React journey

View the Project on GitHub KeaCluster/react-starter-guide

Part 6 - Adjustments and resources



There are multiple things that we can add but people have different views on them.

For example, memoization is an existing concept of computer science and software engineering. This technique is used to speed up programs by storing the result of heavy function calls. This makes that result reusable if the same input occurs. It basically means creating a memory of precomputed values in order to optimize. However the adjustments for this change would require further reading and investigation.

Another technique involved would be lazy loading. This allows us to implement Promises Which are a common js practice, to render a component. Which can come in handy when, and where, large files like images are involved.

Adding to all of this. Almost every library and/or module implemented has its own documentation. This allows us to verify the best practices when implementing new technologies. (Material UI && React Router).



Thanks to vite’s amazing docs, the process of building our application is very simple.

A common practice is to have a branch specifically for production, where we can keep the final files ready for our server to use.

We’re going to add a new branch called prod to our project using git

git checkout -b prod

This should create a new branch as well as change to it. Once there, we should make sure all final changes are in it (you can git pull)

The next step is to build our app.


Vite has a built in command that does precisely this. Simply run it on your terminal:

vite build

And if that doesn’t work:

npx vite build

After that, you will see different files created. The most important one, a /dist directory inside your project.

Explore it for a bit. You will see that this directory has vanilla js and css files. This means no jsx or .ts scripts.

After this step is done, the /dist directory will contain every single file parsed to vanilla web languages and tags that your browser can understand and render.

Simply use any server or hosting server you prefer, and show the world your creation by publishing its content.

This is it

As mentioned from the start, the purpose of this guide is to get you started in React. There are no custom Hooks, React Redux libraries or any of that stuff.

Keep reading, building, creating and writing code that you enjoy.


Thank you for reading.